Candy Sheoran Biography, Girlfriend, Age, Birth Place, Weight, Height, Family, income (Net worth)

 Candy Sheoran Biography, Girlfriend, Age, Birth Place, Weight, Height, Family, income (Net worth)

Candy Sheoran

Candy Sheoran Biography :-

Friends Candy Sheoran is a Haryanvi Punjabi singer. Who was born in Panipat Haryana. This is where he did his schooling and where he was brought up. He was fond of singing since childhood and used to sing in school and college. After 12, he decided to go to UK and did his graduation from there and is currently living in London. Candy is currently singing and also uploads videos on youtube, facebook and instagram. There is a lot of fan following on his social media. And their music videos also get a lot of love from the people.

Khasa aala chahar Biography

Who is Candy Sheoran ?

Candy Sheoran is a Haryanvi Punjabi Singer, Lyricist and rapper. Who was born in Panipat Haryana. Candy Sheoran's real name is Shivam Sheoran. His schooling took place in Panipat Haryana. And currently lives in London.

Candy Sheoran birthday year :-

Candy Sheoran was born in 1998.

Candy Sheoran Now Age :-

25 years (2023)

Candy Sheoran Birth place :-

Panipat, Haryana, India.

Dhanda nyoliwala Biography

Candy Sheoran Currently country :-

London, United Kingdom.

Candy Sheoran Education & qualification :-


Candy Sheoran height :-

Candy Sheoran's height 5 feet 8 inches.

Candy Sheoran weight :-

Candy Sheoran weight is 67 kg.

Candy Sheoran Family:-

No known about his family information.

Candy Sheoran girlfriend :-

Not Girlfriend.

Candy Sheoran wife :-


Billa Sonipat Aala Biography

Candy Sheoran Income:- 

Friends, if you want to see the income of any youtuber.  is a website on which you can see the income of any youtuber. You can see the photo of Socialblood of Kandy Sheoran's Youtube channel below.

candy sheoran income

As you are seeing in this photo of socialblade. One month youtube earning of Candy Sheoran's Youtube Channel is around $200. Which is approximately 14 thousand in Indian rupees. And in a year it is about 2.4k $ and in Indian Rupees it is about 1.5 lakhs. The income that shows on Social Blade. It is not absolutely correct, it is just a guess. According to some website, his one month income is around 1-2 lakhs.

When did you start the Youtube channel?

Kandy Sheoran started her youtube career on 7 feb 2016. Kandy uploaded the first video on his channel on 20 Nov 2016. And today the subscribers of his youtube channel are not public. Music videos are made on this channel. If you want to see the most viewed video of his channel. So you can see below.

Ndee Kundu biography

Candy Sheoran Profession

Candy Sheoran is Singer, Lyricist, rapper by profession. He uploads his music videos on his own youtube channel. The subscribers of his youtube channel are not public. There are 3 lakh followers on Instagram.

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